

Every day Is Valentine’s Day

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Surely, everyone who loves and is loved in return knows about Valentine’s Day—the special day in February when many of us chooses to wear our hearts on our sleeves. While we all celebrate or remember it in many different ways, without a doubt, St. Valentine’s Day is an important day all around the world. However, if it is so important and if it brings us so much joy, why can’t we celebrate it every day? Supposedly, it is a day given to celebrate and honor the love inspired by St. Valentine, just like we set a day to celebrate and honor St. Patrick. But celebrating and honoring love and those people we love should be a daily event, not an annual thing.

Genuine love is not all about flowers, chocolates, pricey dinners, or other costly, over-the-top gestures. How about cooking a simple meal at home to surprise one’s spouse or calling in the middle of the day to check on him or her? How about getting someone special the book he or she wants or fixing broken things at home without being asked? How about writing a short thank-you note? How about calling one’s mom or dad to listen about their day? How about taking the time off a busy week to play at the park with your kids?

There are many ways to say you appreciate someone. There are many ways to express love. It doesn’t have to be on Valentine’s Day. Every day is a chance to tell loved ones just how much they mean. Every day is a chance to give love. At the end of the day, love equates to time, attention, care, respect. How difficult is that?

A gift may set you back some bucks, but a hug won’t. A fancy dinner is nice, but spending time with a loved one is more important. Make every day a Valentine’s Day.

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