

A Day in a Poet’s Life

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A day in a poet’s life is never the same. A poet rises with the sun or perhaps when the sun is already high up the morning sky. It doesn’t matter really because what sets a poet’s day apart is not the hour it starts or ends but what happens in between.

Some do the same tasks that they do every day of the week, but they’re never is that routine feeling. No matter how mundane the tasks, there are always new insights and new feelings to be had.
Sometimes brewing coffee or taking a shower or a bath can bring the most inspiring thoughts to propel a day. Sometimes meals with family can bring the most comfort, and stepping out of the house can give the best motivation. But slowing down is not a disadvantage too. Even listening to the pouring rain or sitting in a patio can give the soul the reprieve it needs.

Mingling with other people brings more perspective and sharing to others gives the most joy. It doesn’t matter with whom the time is spent or what is shared. It’s always the meaning of gestures and encounters that count in the end.

Most people rush through life without pause and hardly a second to catch a breath. A poet is different. There are more pauses and more reflections and time to put into writing all that transpires in a day. Only this way will a poet know what to write about; only this way will a poet receive the good grace to share about life through poetry.

A day in a poet’s life is similar to everybody’s day. A poet goes through morning routines, work, and wind down in the evening. But between phases, a poet knows life is more than all those, more than the pressures and the requirements of the day, more than the grind that must be accomplished.

Anybody can be a poet, because life, really, is poetry. But capturing life in paper and ink is not for those who can’t spare a moment to reflect and listen to the universe. Only poets know how to let daily events teach them about life. Nothing is a waste of time.

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This composition scuttles from there to here with unpronounceable spaces in between. I suggest you read it with a sense of youthful whimsy and curiosity.

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