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There are 7.7 billion people in the world, but sometimes you feel invisible? How could that be possible?

Every one of us craves some level of attention, appreciation, and love. That’s how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs came to be formed. That’s why there is the cliché that says no man is an island. And it is true no matter how stubborn you deny that you need others—it is true. Even God, in the story of creation, acknowledged that Adam needed someone to keep him company, thus Eve.
If you are invisible and people, especially those you care about, do not notice you or what you do, isn’t it time to have a conversation with yourself and try to analyze what is wrong in your situation? Over 7 billion people in the world and no one notices you at all?

You might be waiting for a miracle if that is the case, unless you take charge of your situation and move on. Imagine the girl waiting for the boy of her dreams to notice her. If she fails to factor in the fact that he is happy in his relationship, then nothing will happen to her. The same is true for a woman waiting for her boss to fall for her like she had for him. If she forgets that he is a happily married man, then he is wasting her time for nothing. Those are not the type of miracles you pray for.

Instead, ask for courage and strength of heart to move on and find your place under the sun, where you don’t have to be invisible, where you will be appreciated, and where you will have a chance at happiness.

If you are invisible now, if you’re still waiting for someone to chat you up or ask you out on a Friday night, if you are still waiting for that long-overdue promotion, if you feel used, don’t blame the world. The world is a beautiful place that has amazing things to offer. But you must go after those amazing things. If nothing happened in a year or three, please don’t wait anymore and move on. Look for other dreams, other aspirations and meet new people and opportunities to surround yourself with. That is your responsibility.

If you don’t like how invisible you’ve become, you don’t have to be. Decide and look for your place under the sun.

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This composition scuttles from there to here with unpronounceable spaces in between. I suggest you read it with a sense of youthful whimsy and curiosity.

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