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The slightest touch of passion can ignite a fire in a blink of the eye. The dictionaries say“passion” is a strong emotion beyond control, but anybody who has felt passion for someone or something knows there is so much more that dictionaries cannot put into words.

What is it about passion that the world cannot control it? What is it about passion that sometimes drives otherwise-rational people into self-destruction? What is it about passion that makes us crave for more?

Anybody can be passionate about something or someone. Whether it is a project, a goal, a dream, craft, a business—passion usually takes effort to the next level and make the impossible possible. People who are passionate about what they do are people who are inspired to reach the goals they set for themselves. These are people who see far beyond the trials and the challenges in front of them and envision nothing but the fulfillment of their goal or dream.

Sometimes passion drives people crazy over someone. Passion does not discriminate or choose time and place when it strikes, but whoever becomes its prey can become stuck for some time or for good.

We’ve all heard stories of passion gone wrong, especially when right from the get-go it is wrong. For instance, two people who feel passion for each other can expect misery and confusion if they are married to other people—meaning, the passion is wrong. But can something that feels so good and so strong be wrong?

Yes, passion is sometimes misplaced and is sometimes wrong. When people are hurt in the process, then it is wrong. Nothing right can come from something wrong, no matter how right it feels.

Considering our passions, we should think about everyone involve. Will our advocacy or goal or dream hurt someone in the process? Is hurting them to be expected? Will loving someone mean hurting another person? Will a few moments of flaming passion destroy someone?

If the answer is yes, then that passion is worth thinking over and over again.

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This composition scuttles from there to here with unpronounceable spaces in between. I suggest you read it with a sense of youthful whimsy and curiosity.

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