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The world is an amazing place full of things to wonder about. What do you do with all the questions that are guaranteed to greet each and every day of your life?

The moment you wake up, you start wondering how the day will turn out: what’s the weather like, what should you expect, where will you go to recharge yourself, what will you do to while away the time you have alone?

These are the easy-enough questions that lead to even more questions. That’s simply how life is—a series of question and answer. However, no matter how many questions there are, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you get to ask the question you want to have answered.

When a kid asks his mom about one thing, the mom knows he won’t stop with just one question. There will be follow-ups and rebuttals. But the important thing here is that the kid manages to ask his/her mom the question. The answer is not as important as the achievement of asking the question.

A kid should not be discouraged to ask questions or to express himself. Instead, he should be encouraged to talk about himself and his immediate surroundings. He should be encouraged to express himself as freely as possible.

When the kid grows some and becomes a teenager, the questions will turn inward. There will be no “Mommy! Mommy, why are …?” Instead, he or she will ask, “What is happening to me and to my body?” “Can I tell them about what happened to me?” “Does the world understand what I am going through?” “Why am I so angry?” And on and on it goes, until one day, he or she will ask, “What do you do?” “How can you multitask like that?”

Finally, he or she will ask about God, his blessings, and his mysterious ways: “Why is the world not fair?” “Why me?” “What is the purpose of life?” “Does God truly exists?”
These and more are the questions we try to answer in our lives. Their answers depend on a composite of many other factors.

How about you, what are the questions that haunt and plague you?

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This composition scuttles from there to here with unpronounceable spaces in between. I suggest you read it with a sense of youthful whimsy and curiosity.

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